us low carbon society

National Survey: Nearly 90% Of Americans Say Government Should Act On Global Warming, Push Ahead…

In contrast to a bitterly divided Congress, there is also broad public support for eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, taxing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, and lowering emissions regardless of what other countries may or may not do, according to a national survey conducted by 4C — George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication and the Yale Center for Climate Change Communication.

80% Cuts In Transportation Sector Petroleum And Emissions: How Do We Get There?

The Dept. of Energy’s “Transportation Energy Futures” study provides a template for Pres. Obama’s vision of reducing US transportation sector petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050. Realizing gains in vehicle energy efficiency and fostering shifts in demand for different modes of transport, growing use of biomass biofuels, and transitioning to hydrogen and electric vehicles are the three main facets of the TEF strategy.