uc davis

Plug-in Hybrids: Are They Really A Solution To Reducing Emissions?

It’s immediately clear how fully-electric battery electric vehicles (BEVs) can help reduce emissions; eliminating gasoline and tailpipes in favor of increasingly clean electricity helps limit both climate change and air pollution. Plug-in hybrids are a bit more complicated. A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (or PHEV) has both a gasoline engine and one … [continued]

The Climate Math of Home Heating Electrification

Climate Math: The strong climate case for electrifying homes across America grew even stronger last week. Researchers from U.C. Davis published a study in Energy Policy showing that a typical U.S. home can cut its heating-related climate pollution by 45 percent to 72 percent by swapping out a gas-fired furnace for … [continued]

Solar Leaders In Universities, In The Air, & In The Solar Industry

A society-wide transition to clean energy requires action on many levels. Private consumers, commercial-level consumers, institutions, and government need to aid the transition. Additionally, of course, the production side of the industry has to continually advance the technologies and improve their competitiveness. An exciting story out of California combined with a … [continued]