
Walk Score regional city transit rankings

Choose Your Next Home With Car-Free US City Transit

The website that brought renters, homebuyers, and realtors a powerful index of walkability has done it again, this time for public transit (source: At the end of January, Matt Lerner, CTO of Walk Score, announced a new ranking of the average resident’s access to public transit in a city. … [continued]

American Public Transport Receives D Grade

“How many more reports do we need to tell us that we must make investing in America’s infrastructure a priority,” said President and CEO of the American Public Transport Association (APTA), Michael Melaniphy in response to the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure released by the American Society of Civil Engineers … [continued]

World’s First Carbon-Neutral Higher-Speed Locomotive

  The Coalition for Sustainable Rail (CSR) announced Tuesday plans to create the world’s first carbon-neutral higher-speed locomotive. The plan is simple: “create the world’s cleanest, most powerful passenger locomotive, proving the viability of solid biofuel and modern steam locomotive technology.” The CSR, a collaboration of the University of Minnesota’s … [continued]

3D Fast Bus in China Goes OVER Cars

  I always wondered about the economic efficiency of creating long, safe, underground tunnels for subway systems. Now, a Chinese company has decided that this traditional underground transit system isn’t as good as an innovative, overground system it has just designed. The company, Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co., has … [continued]