Toyota Camry TCO

Confusing Honda Accord & Toyota Camry Purchases … Tesla Model 3 vs. Mercedes C-Class —…

It’s time for another roundup of the 20 most popular stories of the week. As proof of the fact that you don’t even need “Tesla” in the headline to have a Tesla story go viral, the top story of the week was about the Honda Accord & Toyota Camry while silently being about the Tesla Model 3. The second most popular story compared the Model 3 to two top sellers on the other end of its gradient of competitors, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class and Audi A4.

Chevy Bolt & Tesla Model 3 vs. Toyota Camry — 5 Year Cost Of Ownership

I was browsing Facebook a few days ago and I saw a member of the Southwest Florida EV group posted that Chevy Bolt prices were really low. The Bolt got a lot of publicity a couple of years ago as many made a big deal that it beat the Model 3 to market. Though, now that Model 3 production is ramped up and meeting US demand (although foreign demand is still unsatisfied in many places), we don’t hear much about the Bolt.