World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Plant Will Take A Poke At Russian Gas
A gigantic new green hydrogen plant in the Netherlands will help the European Union finally free itself from Russian gas, once and for all.
A gigantic new green hydrogen plant in the Netherlands will help the European Union finally free itself from Russian gas, once and for all.
Statkraft is evaluating a new flow battery based on table salt to pull more wind and solar power into the grid.
The Hague eyes green hydrogen to boost the considerable offshore wind profile of The Netherlands while deploying existing infrastructure to overcome transmission bottlenecks.
Wake-up time for marine energy is finally here, in the form of new devices that harvest the natural motion of waves, tides, and currents.
Amsterdam has just completed a parking garage for 7000 bicycles that is underwater, creating new walking space around its Centraal Station.
A Floating Farm in Rotterdam is teaching farmers how to grow food in a sustainable way without using any arable land.
Electric vehicles are great, but there is no better transportation option than a bicycle. Bicycles provide much needed exercise (also saving emissions from a trip to the gym), are more energy efficient than any other vehicle (even an electric car), are enjoyable to ride (fun is permitted), and can save … [continued]
Today, the EU is investing over €1.8 billion in 17 large-scale innovative cleantech projects with a third round of awards under the Innovation Fund. Grants will be disbursed from the Innovation Fund to help bring breakthrough technologies to the market in energy-intensive industries, hydrogen, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage … [continued]
This new high-tech lift will cut the cost of offshore wind even farther, faster if all goes according to plan (image courtesy of Seaqualize).
A new air-to-air, high temperature heat pump adds more fuel to the climate action fire by replacing natural gas boilers on a drop-in basis.