South Africa

Clean Links: Solar, Wind, EV, & Policy News

Other than our 60+ stories from the past week, here are a few more noteworthy ones worth a look or two: Solar Energy 1. MidAmerican Renewables, LLC Completes Acquisition of 550-MegawattAC Topaz Solar Farm from First Solar (solar farm in video above) MidAmerican Renewables, LLC, a subsidiary of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, … [continued]

Africa at the Energy Crossroads: AfDB Finances Historic Renewable Energy Projects in South Africa, Morocco

The African Development Bank and South African state-owned electric utility Eskom signed a $365 million loan package that will help fund two historic renewable energy projects. The AfDB also pledged $498 million for Moroccan solar power projects. Africa, along with all nations around the world, stands at an energy crossroads. The AfDB loans will provide a substantive boost as South Africa and Morocco attempt to transition to clean energy economies that may serve as a model across the continent and beyond.

South Africa Can Go 100% Renewable, New Report Shows How

South Africa gets a fair share of sun, from what I’ve heard. Also, with good wind resources to boot and technology that is clearly ready to scale, a new report released by Greenpeace South Africa shows how exactly the country can go 100% renewable. The Energy [R]evolution report “is a detailed and practical blueprint for cutting carbon emissions, replacing fossil fuels and nuclear power with renewable energy, and growing the economy,” Greenpeace announced this week. “It is one of the most comprehensive plans to resolve the country’s need for energy security and a sustainable energy future, ever.”

Which Nations are Committed?

The deadline for agreeing to the Copenhagen Accord may have been dropped, but the pressure to agree to the Accord and to announce commitments to create cleaner energy sources and reduce pollution is still on. The US Climate Action Network (USCAN) is making it easier for all of us to … [continued]

7 African Countries to Get Utility-Scale Solar?

California-based eSolar has just announced that it is expanding into southern Africa now. It has partnered with Johannesburg-based Clean Energy Solutions (CES) to create “eSolarSA” which will sell its concentrating solar power technology throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. The Sub-Saharan region eSolar is entering contains seven countries, including South Africa, Namibia, and … [continued]