A New Hope For Concentrating Solar Power
Concentrating solar power systems are getting an energy efficiency makeover and a new job: producing solar fuels.
Concentrating solar power systems are getting an energy efficiency makeover and a new job: producing solar fuels.
This “solar tower” deploys solar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide to produce non-fossil kerosene for sustainable jet fuel.
US researchers are taking on the bioenergy challenge from all angles with an assist from the Department of Energy.
Solar fuel is the next wave of the renewable energy revolution, once they figure out how to scale a tiny little tile into a commercial scale operation.
The company Joule is giving nightmares to the corn ethanol industry with a new round of $40 million in financing to scale up its recycled CO2-to-fuel plant.
Bringing the concept of an “artificial leaf” closer to reality, a team of researchers at MIT has published a detailed analysis of all the factors that could limit the efficiency of such a system. The new analysis lays out a roadmap for a research program to improve the efficiency of … [continued]
We may be about to see a radically new technology in thermal energy storage. Researchers at MIT have been been working on ways to store the sun’s energy in chemical bonds. These developments in this “heat battery” or a “solar fuel,” are due to the addition of carbon nano technology.
We all know about solar thermal and solar photovoltaic energy, but MIT is coming back to a solar energy idea that was dreamt up decades ago but left on the bench due to our inability to gather and make use of it in a practical and economical way. “This is … [continued]
Cambridge-based Joule Biotechnologies has come out of the dark today to announce a radical technology designed to mimic photosynthesis using bio-engineered micro-organisms to make ethanol fuel from carbon dioxide and sunlight. Because of the abundance of these raw materials, Joule Biotechnologies should be able to make ethanol economically, sustainably and … [continued]