New Green App eEcoSphere Understands What Makes Millennials Tick
Millennials have proven themselves a tough group for marketers. Green app developer eEcoSphere believes it can motivate these young people to action
Millennials have proven themselves a tough group for marketers. Green app developer eEcoSphere believes it can motivate these young people to action
RenewEconomy Last year, in an interview with Stanford University’s Tony Seba, we foreshadowed the remarkable conclusions of his new book: that energy and transportation as we know it will be history by 2030. That book, the Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation, is now published, and it has even more dramatic prognosis: Silicon Valley … [continued]
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson says the United States has the technology and logistical ability to convert to all-renewable energy sources by 2050—if we can manage to exercise the social and political will to do so. He’s the guy who told David Letterman we already have … [continued]
The American Wind Energy Association is celebrating Valentine’s Day week with some social media fun. Using Twitter and Facebook, AWEA is asking for pictures from fans of wind power. Using its Facebook page and Twitter account, AWEA is asking for images using the hashtag #iheartwind, depicting your love for wind; whether it … [continued]
Oakland, 7 June 2012 — Campaigning organizations from around the world will join forces on June 18 for a 24-hour ‘Twitter storm’ in which tens of thousands of messages will be posted on the social networking site demanding that world leaders use Rio+20 to agree to end fossil fuel … [continued]
As the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations unfold, Twitter has established itself as an important form of social media for communicating about the movement, just as it has done during the course of the Arab Spring uprisings. However, if you go and take a look at what is actually happening on the ground, a more full picture of the impact of Internet-based communications emerges.
I thought I’d start highlighting upcoming cleantech events more here on CleanTechnica. Here are a handful of events you may or may not be interested in and able to attend. Drop more you are aware of in the comments below.
[social_buttons] Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is setting up a big “social media day of action” this week to put the pressure on JP Morgan Chase to stop financing mountaintop removal. The date: Thursday, February 18. RAN asks that you blog, tweet, facebook, and email about the true tragedy that is … [continued]
Transportation is one of the biggest parts of our lives, whether we think about it or not. How will 2010 help shape the future of transportation in the US? How should it do so? And, more specifically, what is going on in government on this matter? With an expired (in … [continued]
umissgym: Is it just me, or is it hot in here? The social media craze has hit building automation, as the campus at the University of Mississippi will soon be broadcasting its energy consumption via Twitter and Facebook updates. In partnership with smart grid company SmartSynch, Ole Miss has created … [continued]