Customizable Smart Window Technology Could Improve Energy Efficiency Of Buildings
A customizable smart window harnesses and manipulates solar power to save energy and cut costs.
A customizable smart window harnesses and manipulates solar power to save energy and cut costs.
Researchers at Princeton have developed a new solar cell that operates on near UV light to power smart windows that need no connection to a building’s existing electrical system.
By James Lester Smart windows have been slow to grab a foothold in the construction and energy efficiency industry. The recent development of electrochromic (EC) windows, often called “smart windows”, promise to make a big impact on building heating and cooling costs. They are ‘smart’ because they can be programmed to absorb and … [continued]
Smart windows just became smarter thanks to researchers at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Innovators have produced a new material, a thin coating of nanocrystals embedded in glass, that significantly modifies sunlight as it passes through a window. The improved difference from present technologies … [continued]
Okay, so maybe Damon Runyon was not thinking about a government-supported energy efficiency research project when he wrote, “the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s how the smart money bets.” But if he was alive today, he might have been thinking of … [continued]
Traditional blinds and curtains have nothing on electronically tinted smart glass. Whereas curtains are an all-or-nothing solution to streaming in sunlight, and blinds obscure visibility, smart glass allows a clear view no matter the tint. Smart glass is also an energy efficient way to handle heat — the sunnier … [continued]