smart meters

Smart Metering In Europe (VIDEO)

As noted in previous posts, the renewable energy graduate student who got me to go give a guest lecture on renewable energy to his class recently passed along some useful videos on different types of clean technology. These are introductory videos, but they’re not as introductory as our typical blog … [continued]

Campaign Launched to Counter Utilities’ Efforts to Derail California’s Net Metering Program

With much of the US continuing to experience high heat and drought, distributed solar, and renewable power sources are helping alleviate the strains on electricity grids. Ongoing progress to integrate more clean, renewable energy into US power grids is threatened by utilities’ efforts to derail efforts such as California’s Net Metering program, however, according to Protect Net Metering. […]

1/3 Households Own a Smart Meter

  Electric utility companies have been making good progress upgrading their customer base with smart meters, and a new study shows that nearly one in three households now have a smart meter, up from one in four households just last September. The Institute or Electric Efficiency (IEE) produced a report … [continued]