Scotland tidal power

Meygen Marine Tidal Power Environmental Impact Assessment Moves Forward

MeyGen’s contracted Norway’s Kongsberg Maritime (KM) to carry out underwater noise studies for its 400-MW MeyGen tidal power project in Scotland’s Pentland Firth. KM will measure and monitor noise levels from prototype Meygen tidal turbines at a European Marine Energy Center site to assess their effect on marine life before they are approved for installation at the project site.

Renewable Power Surge: UK Sets Out to Be the ‘Rolls Royce’ of Marine Energy

Marine power – generating clean, renewable electricity primarily from ocean waves and tidal currents – has been high up on the energy policy and political agenda across the UK, particularly in Scotland. Proposed increases in government investments and subsidies is boosting investment, start-ups and attracting growing interest on the part of multinational energy and engineering companies.