
Newly published NREL research is informing how electric grid stakeholders and planners can prepare for the future influx of electric vehicles and their potential impact. Photo by Werner Slocum, NREL

Considering An EV & Live In A Rural Area? Here Are Five Things To Know…

Interest in electric vehicles is strong among U.S. drivers — including drivers who live in rural areas. That’s great news, because swapping gasoline and diesel vehicles for EVs is an essential strategy to reduce local air pollution and climate change emissions from transportation. One factor helping rural interest is the … [continued]

Urban & Rural People In The US Need A Grand Compromise On Cars & EV…

As I’ve watched the growth of US EV fast charging infrastructure accelerate over the last year or so, I’ve noticed a pattern. Stations almost always get built either in places with high population density or to connect those areas. The needs of people living in small cities and rural areas are usually an afterthought along the interstates, and not a thought at all in other areas. There are often legitimate economic and cultural reasons behind this, but giving urban people more and more infrastructure presents a contradiction.