Only China Has Scaled Manufacturing & Leading Practices For Rapid Low-Carbon Transformation – Part 4
For rapid low-carbon transformation, too many roads lead to China for comfort for many in the United States and Canada.
For rapid low-carbon transformation, too many roads lead to China for comfort for many in the United States and Canada.
Following the news that the United States’ first offshore development, the Cape Wind Project, may never happen has led to much discussion leading to the conclusion that US offshore wind policy simply isn’t working. A new report by Clean Energy Group and Navigant Consulting attempts to prove that the problems … [continued]
Companies dealing with engineering, procurement, and construction — handily shortened to EPC — will need to adapt to the new economic realities of the renewable energy industry or face lacklustre returns, according to a new report published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and commissioned by CohnReznick. The new report (PDF), The Evolving … [continued]