How Low A Solar Cell Can Go, Perovskite Edition
The global perovskite solar cell race will push down the cost of solar power and rain fresh new headaches on fossil fuel stakeholders.
The global perovskite solar cell race will push down the cost of solar power and rain fresh new headaches on fossil fuel stakeholders.
New research has proposed a design for a submerged marine turbine that could harness ocean currents as a potential renewable energy resource. Researchers from the Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have published their proposition in the journal Renewable Energy. The researchers specifically proposed a … [continued]
Low-cost solar cells appear to now be one step closer to becoming a commercial reality, based on the findings of new research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). The researchers at OIST have been working on the creation of solar cells based on organic materials that possess … [continued]