Cleveland Commits To 100% Clean Electricity Using Local Solar Resources
Cleveland has joined more than 80 other US cities in planning for 100% renewable energy, although critics of the plan say details are slim.
Cleveland has joined more than 80 other US cities in planning for 100% renewable energy, although critics of the plan say details are slim.
Experts claim the potential for wind power off the coasts of America is as much as one terawatt — 13 times the total from land-based wind farms in the US at present. California and Delaware are exploring the construction of wind farms off the coast of both states.
Germany, Denmark, and Belgium have entered into an agreement that will increase the amount of offshore wind power in the world 5-fold, from 13.8 gigawatts today to more than 60 gigawatts within 10 years.
It’s no surprise that the offshore wind market has been increasing in popularity over the past couple of years as the technology has become more affordable and installation techniques have been fine-tuned to be more efficient. Subsequently, the market for offshore wind power globally is expected to increase to nearly … [continued]
The United Kingdom exists as one of the most likely locations on planet Earth to build up a strong offshore wind power industry, and according to new data from analysts GlobalData, that’s exactly what the UK has done, with 52% of the global cumulative installed capacity share. On top of … [continued]
The Cape Wind offshore wind power project in Massachusetts is thisclose to receiving an Energy Department loan guarantee of $150 million, part of a 54 GW plan for commercial scale US offshore wind power.
In a tripartite report released Friday, the Carbon Trust has suggested China accelerate its progress with offshore wind energy by taking cues from the UK’s extensive research, funding, and deployment expertise. Like other nations, the colossus of southeast Asia has major concerns about continuing to rely on coal for energy. … [continued]
Offshore wind power may yet not match the overall strength of onshore wind, but the industry is on course grow rapidly to become an €130 billion annual global market by 2020.
A new report from industry consultants Roland Berger, “Offshore Wind Toward 2020,” concludes a combination of industry trends will soon make offshore wind cost competitive with other generation sources in many markets.
Germany’s first offshore windfarm pilot project, “Alpha Ventus,” has produced some impressive results for 2012. Alpha Ventus exceeded expectations for its annual yield in 2012. The offshore wind farm fed 267.8 gigawatt-hours of power into the German power grid. With that, its power yield is 15.3% higher than the originally forecast value. … [continued]
Large-scale offshore wind energy will soon be a reality in the state of Maryland, thanks to the recent approval of the historic “Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013.” The bill will earmark $1.7 billion dollars for the development of an offshore wind farm along Maryland’s coast. The wind farm … [continued]