Opening The Corporate Renewable Energy Floodgates

Originally published on RMIOutlet On Monday and Tuesday this week, more than 75 Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, renewable energy project developers, utilities, and other organizations are gathered in San Francisco for a corporate renewable energy workshop. Co-hosted by Rocky Mountain Institute, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), World Resources Institute (WRI), and BSR, … [continued]

COP20: Two Days To A Climate Chorus In Lima?

The UN’s Lima COP20 conference stands up very well in its final days against those who doubt or scorn international efforts to reduce climate impacts. It’s not just a lot of hot air. The congruence of international climate experts and decisionmakers is allowing organizations public and private, worldwide, to focus … [continued]

4 Solutions To Make Solar Financing Less Weird

Originally published on Rocky Mountain Institute. By Dan Seif and James Mandel When people say “Keep Austin weird” they really mean keep it small and special. And we’re all for keeping Austin weird as it’s a cool city with awesome music. While utility scale solar finance is still “weird” in that it involves … [continued]