Improving The Efficiency Of Your Home, Part 1: Insulation & Air Sealing
Energy efficiency can help slow the rate of climate change. Learn about making your home more efficient so you can reduce carbon production and also save money.
Energy efficiency can help slow the rate of climate change. Learn about making your home more efficient so you can reduce carbon production and also save money.
The major causes of climate change and air pollution are the burning of fossil fuels for electrical generation and transportation. Bill Gates accepts that but thinks that technical solutions don’t exist already and need to be discovered. Thiel doesn’t even accept climate change, but still thinks we need to invest … [continued]
Originally published on RMI Outlet. By Titiaan Palazzi and Sam Ramirez We are accustomed to buying our electricity from utilities: they provide us with power; we pay for it. To reduce our utility bill, we can reduce our electricity demand with efficiency (these negawatts have considerable value), or install distributed generation … [continued]