There’s 1 Group Of People Not At All Surprised By Donald Trump Letting Turkey Massacre…

It’s a shame — you’ve got a poor economy almost completely dependent on one industry (the oil industry) that is controlled by corrupt oligarchs, and that country’s totally corrupt president is apparently running foreign policy for what is supposed to be the most powerful nation on earth. It’s like a privileged, educated 20-year-old with kind and thoughtful parents who has fallen under the spell (or control) of a nasty, corrupt, immoral, drug-addicted street thug.

Another Way Donald Pissed Off Germany

Donald Trump is suffering from oral diarrhea again. On May 25, while attending a NATO function in Brussels, the braying jackass masquerading as America’s putative president told the assembled officials, “The Germans are bad, very bad. Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US. We will stop this.”

Trump Isolationism Means Europe Can’t Rely On USA Any Longer

Donald Trump brought his act to Europe last week. The reviews from leaders on the Old Continent were decidedly downbeat. Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, remarked after the close of last weekend’s G7 meeting, Europe “really must take our fate into our own hands.” (See video below.) It was a clear sign that the special relationship that has existed between the United States and the rest of the world since the end of World War II is beginning to break apart. What will that mean for the world’s efforts to find effective measures to combat the ravages of climate change? Or the notion of world peace in general?