Montreal Protocol

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image illustrates the metaphorical concept of a heat pump's significant impact compared to building efficiency, depicted through the contrast in size between a large, advanced heat pump and smaller buildings.

One Change To The Worst Buildings Would Have Big Climate Benefits & Cut Costs

Heat pumps in the worst buildings and nothing else would eliminate about 1.9 megatonnes of CO2e per year in Canada.

No Executive Order Can Make The Clean Energy Economy Disappear — In 9 Bullets

While President Trump’s executive order turning back many Obama-era climate change policies is great optics for his energy policy conservative base and fossil fuel donors, it doesn’t change the facts of the new energy economy. Since we know President Trump likes short briefings, here are the hard truths about the future of energy in this country and many other parts of the world that are driven by market forces rather than politics.

Successful Montreal Protocol Move Restricts World HFCs

Delegates from more than 150 countries met in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, last week, to agree on a strategy for diminishing the worldwide use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Historically, people started using these chemicals for refrigeration, air conditioning, and aerosols in response to the scientific finding that their predecessors — chlorofluorocarbons — … [continued]