
How Soon Till Your Favorite Advanced Material (Graphene, Quantum Dots, etc) Is Commercialized? Lux Research…

Originally published on the Lux Research website. New advanced materials like MOFs (metal organic frameworks), advanced high-strength steel, and carbon nanotubes have the potential to enable novel products and disrupt existing businesses. However, material commercialization timelines are notoriously long and unpredictable. Now, Lux Research analysts have designed a tool that can help … [continued]

$40 Million More For Cleaner Transport (ARPA-E)

Reposted from EERE: The Energy Department on March 22 announced that approximately $40 million from its Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) will be made available for two new programs to develop technologies that shift U.S. cars and trucks from reliance on oil. One program will develop cost-effective and energy-efficient manufacturing … [continued]