Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Plans UAE System For 2020
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and Aldar Properties have signed an agreement to construct the world’s first hyperloop system in Abu Dhabi in time for Expo 2020.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and Aldar Properties have signed an agreement to construct the world’s first hyperloop system in Abu Dhabi in time for Expo 2020.
Sitting at a Hyperloop Transportation Technologies presentation here at Autonomy, it was fun listening to Chairman Bibop G. Gresta talk about transportation problems and then how hyperloops can help solve them. He’s a funny guy, and he put the problems of current transportation methods into stark terms (using pictures and videos from the real world, of course).
The XP1 transportation pod from Hyperloop One went almost 200 MPH in a test last week. Now, Elon Musk is thinking of getting personally involved again.
Whatever you may think about the Hyperloop idea (I remain a skeptic, personally), things do appear to be moving forward. With regard to Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, one of the companies trying to commercialize the idea, it has apparently started constructing a full-scale passenger hyperloop capsule — following 3 years of research and development efforts.
The Hyperloop technology startup Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has signed a new agreement that will see it explore the possibility of developing a Slovakia to Czech Republic route that would pass through Brno, Bratislava, and Prague, according to recent reports.
The chairman and co-founder of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Bibop G Gresta, recently gave an interview to the Times of India while in Bengaluru (India) for the Carnegie Global Technology Summit. Some of the bits & pieces seemed worth discussing here.
Originally published on Gas2. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) says it has created a new material that is ten times stronger than steel but 5 times lighter than aluminum. Think about that for a minute. Assuming those claims can be verified, and also assuming the material is not otherworldly expensive, it … [continued]
Whatever your opinion on the technology may be, it looks as though the proposed Hyperloop transportation system previously championed by Elon Musk is now actually going somewhere, based on a recent press statement. According to the statement, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has come to agreement with the developers of a “sustainable … [continued]
If you’re not sure what the hyperloop is, take a stroll through our previous hyperloop stories. The latest hyperloop update is simply that a company has been created to move the concept forward. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) is the name. Other news is that the initial feasibility study has already been … [continued]