heat pump

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a pile of supersaturated sodium acetate (Hot Ice) hand warmers on a steel barge on the Thames.

Barges Of Giant Hand Warmers Likely Won’t Be Heating London

This morning Dave Borlace of YouTube Just Have a Think fame reached out to ask me about a scheme to capture waste heat from a trash burning electricity plant, put it in thermal storage on barges and tow it 28 kilometers upriver to displace gas burning boilers in a district heating … [continued]

The devolution of hydrogen for energy infographic by Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy Inc.

The Devolution Of Hydrogen For Energy Over 25 Years Is A Fascinating Tale

About 25 years ago, hydrogen was the solution of choice for climate-aware technocrats and politicians, and with good reason. At the time, there really wasn’t much choice in terms of low-carbon energy carriers. Batteries were good enough for laptops and phones, but clearly no one was going to be running … [continued]