
Greenpeace Launches Scientific Investigation Into Fukushima Disaster’s Effect On Pacific Ocean

Nearly five years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Greenpeace has launched a high-tech investigation into the radiation effects of the meltdowns on the Pacific Ocean. In March of 2011, the Tōhoku earthquake triggered a tsunami which precipitated three nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on the east coast of … [continued]

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools & Durham Public Schools Would Conserve Millions With Solar

Below are highlights from two new reports commissioned by the Repower Our Schools Coalition. The North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NC CETC) released information that Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools & Durham Public Schools would conserve millions of dollars with solar power, while promoting more STEM education potential for the students. Along with the saved money, … [continued]

Solar Panels Repower Schools, Support Health, Save Money, & Improve Education

Schools need to save money and increase education that supports viable, society-helping job markets. Solar power can save schools money and help protect our health. It seems like a no-brainer. Children are more affected by many toxins that adults. Focus follows as a product of good health. The quality of air everywhere affects asthma sufferers, or … [continued]