Delays In Renewable Deployment Could Cost UK Consumers £2.6 Billion
Despite tumbling prices and growing demand, further delays in the deployment of renewable energy in the UK could end up costing consumers £2.6 billion annually in 2025.
Despite tumbling prices and growing demand, further delays in the deployment of renewable energy in the UK could end up costing consumers £2.6 billion annually in 2025.
Almost everyone in the media has taken a stab at summarizing, if not snap-judging, the results of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s one-day UN climate summit last week. The meeting had a real name, but Robert N. Stavins in his New York Times runup to the conference was the only writer I … [continued]
Common thinking over the past decade has been that the current trend in renewable energy investment will only continue to grow as Generation-Y babies grow and start making their own financial decisions. However, a new report published by Green Alliance and sponsored by Hermes Fund Managers has concluded that Generation … [continued]
The UK could avoid 40 percent of electricity demand and save in excess of £10 billion per year if amendments are made to the upcoming Energy Bill by incentivising energy efficiency and creating a ‘market’ for electricity savings. These are the findings from a new report published Tuesday by the Green … [continued]
Today, I’m going to do a few round-ups to catch you all up on what I think were important stories in the cleantech arena. This first one is on cleantech policy. 1. Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR), Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senate Energy Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) have introduced the Storage Technology for Renewable and Green Energy … [continued]