Is Big Auto Betting On Flying Cars?

The 21st century is already two decades old. Dude, why do we still not have flying cars? Pragmatic souls might reply that, since the heyday of 1950s science fiction, we’ve come to realize that flying cars aren’t particularly practical or particularly necessary, and that we might do better to solve the problems created by the earthbound variety before creating new frontiers for traffic jams and road rage.

When Airplanes Are Designed To Be Energy Agnostic, You Know Electricity Is Banging At The…

The amount of breakthroughs and progress electric aviation has made this past decade are awe inspiring. We’ve got news practically every day of electric airplanes (e-planes) and electric vertical takeoff & landing (eVTOL) aircraft under development, planned for market, or already arriving. When you look back to long-off dreams of electric VTOL aircraft back in the ’90s, today’s reality is astounding.