
Electric Car News Link Bomb (Tesla Model X Love, Chevy Bolt Test Drives, Porsche 911…

As with the renewable energy news link bomb I just published, here’s another one dedicated to electric car news: Tesla Motors Stuff Tesla Autopilot Performs Flawlessly During Motley Fool Highway Test GM Has Lobbied Against Tesla’s Direct Sales Model In At Least Five States Tesla Fights On In Utah And Connecticut Blogger Says Tesla Is Building Throwaway Cars … [continued]

7 Cleantech Consumer Products

I scroll through thousands of articles on dozens of sites so that you don’t have to 😀 1. Solar-Powered, Energy-Efficient Homes & the Nissan LEAF In one of the latest solar-EV team-ups, City Ventures and Nissan offer a green triple combo. From the news release: How would you like never … [continued]