electric car emissions

Driving Electric Cars Is Much Better For Climate & Air Quality Than Driving Gas Cars

Courtesy of Union Of Concerned Scientists. By David Reichmuth, Senior Engineer, Clean Transportation Program Electric vehicles have a high profile right now, with EVs featuring prominently in the Biden administration’s and Congress’s plans and also important new vehicle announcements from major automakers like Ford. But what are the climate benefits from switching from gasoline to … [continued]

5 Things To Watch Out For In Studies Claiming Electric Cars Are “Not So Green”

A few days ago, I wrote about a new report by Ricardo for the European Commission showing (yet again) that electric vehicles “have significantly lower impacts on the climate.” I noted in the article that there’s a common problem of much more limited studies coming to different conclusions that put electric cars in worse light, as well as simplistic and misleading headlines like “Electric cars aren’t as green as you think they are” or “Electric cars have a dirty little secret.”