
A Message To The Tesla Community

I saw a thread on Twitter with a message to the Tesla community that I think needs to be taken to the next level. It’s a thread from Bonnie Norman, a Tesla shareholder and Tesla owner. Bonnie is reminding us that our actions matter, too. Every tweet, every action, every interaction we have online — it matters.

Nuance vs Simple Messages

We’re in the business of communications here at CleanTechnica. We have to constantly consider how to communicate in a useful, interesting, and clear way. One topic that comes up practically every day is how to balance simple messages with the extra depth, nuance, and details that create a more complete story.

How To Handle Trolls — Cleantech Communication Handbook Coming

Working in the cleantech communication business since the middle of 2009, I can say that I’ve picked up quite a few cleantech communication tips, and I try to sharpen them every day. Unfortunately, I’ve also seen a lot of examples of bad, bad, bad cleantech communication — communication flubs are quite abundant in this field. (And, yeah, I’ve been the person behind those bad examples from time to time.)

Many cleantech enthusiasts actually use talking points and discussion strategies that are counterproductive. Yikes!