Climate Bill

Oil Disaster Could Clean Up Climate Bill

Today, a Republican Senator joined with Democrats representing coastal states threatened by the massive oil spill in voicing continued alarms over including off-shore drilling in a climate and energy bill. As new reports reveal that the oil spill is now five times worse than estimated: “We need to move heaven … [continued]

Greenpeace, 350.Org Endanger Climate Bill

Today 31 environmental groups including the Sierra Club, the NRDC and the League of Conservation Voters sent a strongly worded letter to the Senate to get the Kerry/Graham/Lieberman climate bill moving again. [social_buttons] The only holdout organizations were Greenpeace and Bill McKibben’s, not because they don’t want climate legislation. … [continued]

Who’s More Powerful than Obama?

  Probably the biggest news piece this week was Obama’s State of the Union address. David Roberts of grist seemed to hate it. Whereas often like-minded and equally critical Joe Romm of Climate Progress actually seemed to love it. Dan Harding of CalFinder had mixed reactions, first “feeling passion stir … [continued]