
COP15 Draft Should Build Foundation for Progressive Improvement in Mitigation Measures

The Copenhagen Climate Conference would produce an internationally agreed climate change treaty which would be aimed at achieving significant global reduction in carbon emissions, feels the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Mr. Yvo De Boer expressed his positive views saying that there is still a lot … [continued]

3 Reasons for Hope for Hopenhagen

Thanksgiving weekend brought a historic turning point for human civilization when President Obama was able to get the Chinese to offer 40% cuts in carbon “intensity” at least, prior to the climate summit at Copenhagen.

The leaders of the two nations jointly responsible for almost half of the world’s carbon emissions were able to announce that they would be joining the rest of the world in agreeing to cuts in carbon emissions. That in turn led to India jumping aboard ship, too, with a 20% offer. None of the three had agreed to the original Kyoto Accord.

President Obama Launches Secret Green Partnership With India to Cut CO2 Emissions Despite GOP Boycott

In a move sure to anger the Let’s-do-nothing-about-climate-change-till-China-and-India-do crowd, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India launched a secret Green Partnership to do something about climate change. [social_buttons] The secret arrangement was made while the President was on his failed Asian trip resulting in pre-Copenhagen announcements from … [continued]

$2.2 Billion IPO For China Wind Power Longyuan

In one of the renewable energy sector’s largest IPO’s ever, China’s Longyuan Power Group Corp, Asia’s largest wind power generator is raising money in a share offering this month that is expected to raise $2.2 billion,  with trading scheduled to begin on Dec. 10. [social_buttons] Who’s buying? Billionaire Wilbur L. Ross … [continued]