Brian Kent

Vegan Hippie Chick Race Car Driver, Oil Worker, Brian Kent & Others To Attend National…

With over 170 National Drive Electric Week events already planned in 165 cities, this is again a record-large National Drive Electric Week, breaking last year’s record. But the organizers aren’t being snobby, prejudiced nationalists about it — some of the events are in Canada and Hong Kong! From September 12–20, a couple of the many … [continued]

Support This Negative-Carbon Road Trip!

Originally published on EV Obsession. Our friend and wind expert Mike Barnard recently passed along a cool story: a “negative-carbon” US road trip all around the US (or almost all around it). Naturally, being 2015, there’s a Facebook page. But more importantly, there’s an Indiegogo page where the driver is trying to … [continued]