
Democratic EPA Moves Decisively on Coal

The Obama administration is moving ahead with not one, but three EPA rules that will start to reduce our use of coal, (by far the worst emitter of greenhouse gases in the nation) to move the nation towards a cleaner, safer, healthier energy future, despite misuse of the Senate filibuster by Republicans who are paid to support coal.

Transportation in 2010

Transportation is one of the biggest parts of our lives, whether we think about it or not. How will 2010 help shape the future of transportation in the US? How should it do so? And, more specifically, what is going on in government on this matter? With an expired (in … [continued]

The Fossil Party and the Future Party

One of the hardest parts of checking foreign news sources – to find out what others think of the emissions reductions targets their countries are bringing to Copenhagen – is deciphering the meaning of all those political parties’ names. Who knows which side each of these is on, when it comes to climate change.