UK Offshore Wind Prices Reach New Record Low In Latest CfD Auction
The latest UK renewable energy auction has awarded 12 projects, including 5.5 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind projects, at record low prices as low as £39.65 ($50.05).
The latest UK renewable energy auction has awarded 12 projects, including 5.5 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind projects, at record low prices as low as £39.65 ($50.05).
The next renewable energy auction in the United Kingdom could result in subsidy-free projects awarded contracts as next-generation offshore wind technology will serve to dramatically reduce costs.
Provisional figures published by the UK Government on Thursday show that renewable energy sources generated a record amount of electricity in 2018, increasing by 11.8% over 2017 levels, led by a record year for wind energy generation which provided 17.1% of the UK’s electricity.
The United Kingdom has finally announced the launch of its much-anticipated Offshore Wind Sector Deal, which will see the country’s offshore industry invest at least £250 million so as to ensure offshore wind generates more than 30% of the country’s electricity by 2030.
The UK Government is expected to announce its long-awaited Offshore Wind Sector deal sometime this week and has revealed that it intends to use the Deal to triple “green collar” jobs to 27,000 by 2030 and ensure at least a third of all jobs are held by women.
The UK Government on Tuesday finally proposed what amounts to relatively mediocre guidelines intended to support the development of small-scale renewable energy technologies by ensuring remuneration for any and all electricity generated that is supplied to the grid by small-scale generators.
The latest figures published by the UK Government show that renewable and clean energy sources continue to skyrocket, hitting 29.3% and 50.1% respectively, and led by another strong year for wind energy generation.
The UK offshore wind energy industry is set to double after the country’s Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy announced on Monday long-term political support for the country’s offshore wind energy industry by confirming the next competitive auction would take place in May 2019 and every 2 years afterwards, with Government support worth up to £557 million.
UK tidal power company Tidal Lagoon Power has this week struck back at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, saying that its recent decision not to support the 320 megawatt (MW) Swansea Tidal Lagoon project in Wales and its statement on tidal lagoons as a whole was “designed to mislead” and was “a manifest distortion of the truth.”
The UK Government last week announced it will stretch its public sector greenhouse gas emissions reduction target to 43% by 2019 to 2020 based on 2009 to 2010 levels in a move the government hopes will result in £340 million in savings.