UK Offshore Wind Set To Double As Government Confirms Future Auctions

The UK offshore wind energy industry is set to double after the country’s Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy announced on Monday long-term political support for the country’s offshore wind energy industry by confirming the next competitive auction would take place in May 2019 and every 2 years afterwards, with Government support worth up to £557 million.

Tidal Lagoon Power Describes UK BEIS Ruling As “Manifest Distortion Of The Truth”

UK tidal power company Tidal Lagoon Power has this week struck back at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, saying that its recent decision not to support the 320 megawatt (MW) Swansea Tidal Lagoon project in Wales and its statement on tidal lagoons as a whole was “designed to mislead” and was “a manifest distortion of the truth.”