
Key Glacier In West Antarctica Breaking Apart From Inside Out — “We May See Significant…

One of the key glaciers in West Antarctica, as far as the stability of the ice sheet there, Pine Island Glacier, was the site of an enormous 225-square mile iceberg calving in 2015. New research from Ohio State University has determined that this event was even more notable than first thought, as it was the result of a deep, subsurface crack that had formed approximately 20 miles inland — nowhere directly near the calving event.

2016 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record — Details On Atmospheric CO2 Levels,…

2016 is very likely to be the hottest year on record when it’s over, according to a new assessment from the World Meteorological Organization. As it stands, preliminary data are showing that global temperatures in 2016 are roughly 1.2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels — not far below the supposed “safe” limit of 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

West Antarctica Warming Twice As Fast As Previously Thought, Research Finds, May Speed Up Sea…

  New research has revealed that West Antarctica is actually warming nearly two times faster than was previously thought. This finding suggests, therefore, that sea levels may rise much faster than was previously predicted. The average annual temperatures in West Antarctica, at the Byrd research station, have increased an incredible … [continued]