Enel Green Power Promotes Sustainability At Solar Power Plants In US
Enel Green Energy is working with the farming community to promote sustainable practices and agrophotovoltaics for its solar power plants.
Enel Green Energy is working with the farming community to promote sustainable practices and agrophotovoltaics for its solar power plants.
In Europe, new techniques are combining solar and agriculture to make land more productive.
In Iowa, local farmers are worried about losing precious farm land to solar installations. But maybe solar is an opportunity, not a a threat.
New research shows combing solar panels and farming could have important benefits for both.
Farmers in Ohio are faced with the prospect of selling their farmland to solar developers in order to provide for their families. No one has told them there is another way.
Frauhofer ISE’s experimental agrophotovoltaic farm in Germany was 186% more efficient during the hot, dry summer of 2018 than the land would have been if it was devoted solely to agriculture or solar panels alone.
The Fraunhofer Institute has constructed four agrophotovoltaic installations, three in Chile and one in Vietnam. They show that combining solar power with agriculture can boost the productivity of land by 60% or more.
Research led by the Fraunhofer Center For Sustainable Energy Systems finds that solar panels mounted above crops in an agricultural setting can raise the efficiency of the land by 60%. Further research is planned.