Abu Dhabi

Tesla Carshare Coming To Masdar City — CleanTechnica Exclusive

I toured Masdar City for the first time this week. It is difficult to not be overwhelmed with the vision and execution taking place there. If you are new to cleantech news, make sure you go to the Masdar City website and check out its amazing architecture, admire its focus on residents instead of cars, and share with others its ambitious energy efficiency targets (which, by the way, Masdar* often exceeds).

Autonomous Driving Forecasts & Challenges — Interviewing BNEF’s Head of Intelligent Mobility (#CleanTechnica Video)

Zachary Shahan, CleanTechnica Director & Chief Editor, conducted a brief interview with Ali lzadi-Najafabadiat, Head of Intelligent Mobility at BNEF, at The Mobility Conference — a conference earlier this year in Abu Dhabi, UAE, organized by Global EVRT, CleanTechnica, and Masdar. The interview brings us some highlights about and insights into our autonomous future.