Mass Transit / Public Transit

Top 10 Transit Systems in U.S.

  Walk Score recently ranked transit systems in large U.S. cities based on residents’ access to public transit. Can you guess which cities top the list? That’s right, if you said Los Angeles, you’re wrong — though, the city known for its sprawling character was just barely outside the top … [continued]

Clean Transportation News

  Aside from our 15 or so clean transportation stories from the past week, here are a few more from around the interwebs: Green Cars Ford has unveiled the cost of its Ford Focus Electric batteries — “$12,000 and $15,000” per battery pack. “That is up to $15,000 on top of … [continued]

Earth Day — Say What?

  For those of us writing about the environment every day, Earth Day is a bit of a strange concept. Every day is Earth Day. That may sound cliche, but it really is like that for us (as I imagine it is for many of you readers). But while it’s … [continued]

Clean Links (13 Stories)

  Solar News   1. Fort Hood and Universal Services Fort Hood Inc. have turned on a solar field of nearly 3,000 photovoltaic solar panels. “The four-acre solar field, near Liberty Village community, will generate one million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy annually for 300 single-family homes.” Photo above. 2. The 230-megawatt photovoltaic … [continued]

Clean Links (Solar, Wind, Wave, Clean Transportation, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Policy, & Cleantech Innovation…

  Other than our own stories on these topics and more, here’s some top clean energy news from around the internet from the past several days. News on solar energy, wind energy, clean transportation, clean energy policy, wave energy, energy efficiency, and cleantech innovation. Solar Energy Average prices for crystalline-silicon … [continued]