Concentrating Solar Power

Green New Deals For The World Are Green Good Deals

The Earth is rapidly approaching 1.5°C global warming, air pollution kills over 7 million people worldwide each year, and diminishing fossil fuel resources portend social instability. Yet, recently, world leaders at the United Nations Madrid climate talks failed to agree on a path forward. The core of the problem is the belief by some leaders that solving global warming will be expensive and drain the economy of their country. However, new research indicates that this belief is incorrect.

Array Technologies Selected For One Of The Largest Bifacial Solar Projects In Australia

Bifacial solar cells and panels are moving more seriously into play now thanks to cost drops and efficiency improvements. A bifacial solar panel is essentially a solar panel that can collect energy from the front side and the rear side (a normal monofacial panel only collects energy from one side). Array Technologies boosts that technology even further with solar tracking technology, capturing much more sunlight than a normal solar array.

Solar, Storage, & EV Charging: The Holy Trinity Of Home Energy Management At #SPI2019

Solar Power International landed in Salt Lake City, Utah this year and CleanTechnica was on the ground meeting with the change makers, the disruptors, the doers, the movers, and the shakers. We’ve been diving into some of the companies we talked with, but having covered SPI for several years now, we wanted to highlight one of the newer arrivals at the show: electric vehicles.