Marine Energy

Aerial photos of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) Flatirons Campus near Boulder, Colorado. Photographed from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). (Photo by Joshua Bauer / NREL)

NREL’s Economic Impact Hits $1.9 Billion

The economic impact of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) topped $1.9 billion nationwide in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, according to a study by the University of Colorado Boulder’s (CU Boulder’s) Leeds School of Business. Every state in the nation felt an impact from direct or … [continued]

The Framing the Future contest will bring the action out from behind the scenes and show manufacturing advancements up close and personal, including the people working to transform the industrial sector for a zero-carbon future. Illustration by Jennifer Breen Martinez, NREL

“Framing the Future” Photo Contest To Highlight America’s Industrial Transformation

The industrial sector is integral to our daily lives, yet we do not often see the people and technologies that power it in action. That is why the U.S. Department of Energy Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office launched the Framing the Future: Industrial Technologies Photo Contest, aiming to use photography … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a container ship with dollar signs coming out of its funnel

Carbon Pricing Is Coming To Maritime Shipping

In my regularly iterated Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work, there’s a big broom: Price Carbon Aggressively. In the maritime shipping world, it would be a big trawler net that scoops up emissions regardless of technology, allowing the market to figure out the cheapest way to achieve decarbonization. … [continued]

Two researchers have determined cost-effective ways to purchase these strange, alien legs dropping down to the seafloor—also known as moorings—for a new wave energy test facility currently under construction off the coast of Oregon. Illustration by Josh Bauer, NREL.

Notice of Intent: Up To $112.5 Million Funding Opportunity to Support U.S. Wave Energy Development

On July 31, 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office announced an intent to provide up to $112.5 million in funding to advance the commercial readiness of wave energy technologies through open water testing and system validation. DOE anticipates opening this funding opportunity in or around September 2024. Wave … [continued]

Image courtesy of DOE

$16.7 Million for Marine Technology Innovation Through the Inflation Reduction Act

Funding will support NOAA’s efforts to provide communities with decision-making tools and information necessary for coastal resilience Today, the Department of Commerce and NOAA announced $16.7 million in funding across 12 awards to support the development of innovative new technologies and public-private partnerships focused on sustainability, equity, biodiversity and climate … [continued]