Author: The Beam

Energy Transition Startups Shake Up The Business World

The shift to a low-carbon future is turning the economy inside out. Policy has a crucial role to play, but ultimately it is businesses that will make the energy transition happen. In Energiewende home country Germany, many startups are at the forefront of transformation by bringing novel business ideas to market and by snatching market share from incumbents in sectors such as renewables, heating, or mobility.

Climate Change Deniers Violate Human Rights

Whoever still thinks climate change is purely an environmental issue, threatening only nature, needs to think again. Climate change is also essentially a human issue because of its devastating effect on human life — and rights. It exacerbates existing inequalities, undermines democracy and threatens development at large. Likewise, by far the greatest burden will fall on those already in poverty, while the rich will be able to buy their way out of rising heat and hunger.

Solar-Home Systems & Mini-Grids: Same, Same But Different!

SHS are micro-power plants with integrated energy storage that provide electricity to individual buildings or households. SHS typically provide DC power that can be used without any problems for lamps and mobile phone charging. For newly electrified households, these are typically the main power needs. The electricity from SHS is not fully comparable to AC power that we know in developed countries. On Challenging Facebook’s Fossil Fuel Advertising Profits

As has been outlined on countless occasions, large tech conglomerates play a critical role in our day-to-day lives. Platforms like Facebook, for instance, help connect over 2.38 billion monthly active users. Thus, their social responsibility in everything from politics, news and even climate change is indisputable. Despite Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg announcing his support for the Paris Climate Agreement, Facebook continues to take money from many fossil fuel companies via advertising.