Author: shrinkthat

What Is The Effect Of Thermostat Settings?

Originally published on Shrink That Footprint by Lindsay Wilson This is the fifth post in our Beginner’s Guide to Heating Bills, it follows average heating bills, heating fuel use, heating cost comparisons and home heat loss. Have you ever heard that ‘reducing your thermostat setting by 1°C (1.8°F) can cut your heating bill by 10%’? Do … [continued]

Typical Home Heat Gains & Losses

Originally published on Shrink That Footprint by Lindsay Wilson This is the fourth post in our Beginner’s Guide to Heating Bills, it follows average heating bills, heating fuel use and heating cost comparisons. In the first post of this series I mentioned that the thing that you are really paying for in your heating bill is … [continued]

Infographic: Energy Inequality Of Countries

Originally published on Shrink That Footprint. By Lindsay Wilson. In 2011 the average American used 4,569 kWh of electricity in their home. In the same year the combined residential electricity use per capita of Brazil, India, China and the 21 other countries was 4,485 kWh (click the image to expand). So one American uses … [continued]

CO2 Burnt In US Comes From…

This article originally published on Shrink That Footprint by Lindsay Wilson In 2007 US carbon emissions peaked at roughly 6,029 Mt. We know a lot a how these emissions are generated, and why they have declined since then.  But few of us realize where they come from. The flag image above … [continued]