Author: DeSmog Blog

Obama’s Dirty Energy Secrets

Editor’s Note: Obama has done many great things to promote renewable energy, but his administration also has some humongous dirty energy secrets. These are not single issues, but span many issues. However, there is one trend — they are almost all housed in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). … [continued]

Do The Math, Then Get Optimistic (VIDEO)

  By Richard Littlemore (Reposted from Desmog Blog) University of Lethbridge Prof Jim Byrnes weighs in with a short video with survey of numbers both frightening and reassuring. The conclusion is obvious. There’s no question we can “afford” to fix the climate problem – only a more pressing question as … [continued]

US Fuel Economy Standards Will Save US Consumers $Billions, But Top Republicans Want to Kill…

  by Farron Cousins A proposed rule by the Obama Administration to raise fuel economy standards for cars and “light-trucks” is facing mounting attacks by Republican lawmakers. The proposed rule would require all newly manufactured automobiles that fall under the car or light truck category to achieve a minimum gas mileage of 54.5 … [continued]

FARE — Shock Doctrine in Action

In her famous book The Shock Doctrine​: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, author and activist Naomi Klein quotes the Godfather of free market capitalism, Milton Friedman, whom she credits with mainstreaming the “shock doctrine.” Friedman stated:

“Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real changes. When the crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.”

Under a textbook “shock doctrine” scenario as it pertains to the ongoing and escalating Solyndra Corporation hoopla, two U.S. Senators, sponsor David Vitter (R-LA) and co-sponsor Ron Johnson (R-WI), have introduced U.S. Senate Bill 1556, the Federal Accounting of Renewable Energy Act of 2011 (FARE) [PDF], or “FARE” as a direct response to the Solyndra saga — “ideas that are lying around,” to quote Friedman.