Letter For CleanTechnica’s CEO

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We have all seen it happen. The Supreme Court of the United States has declared that presidents are immune from prosecution when they are acting on official business. No guidance is given for how official business is defined.

And we have heard Donald Trump declare that he will be a dictator on the first day he is president, if he is elected. As any student of history knows, dictators rarely give up their power, and as any student of Donald Trump knows, he never concedes anything. I take that to mean that he intends to be a dictator for the rest of his term in office. And I very much doubt he has decided how that term will end.

He has said that he will stop offshore wind development immediately. He will undo the renewable energy and efficiency initiatives instituted under Obama and Biden as quickly as he can. The same is true for environmental protections, protection of human health, and any help we could expect if we fall ill.

CleanTechnica readers will probably not need to be reminded that we are entering a climate crisis that can only lead to disaster, unless it is addressed quickly and vigorously. But Donald Trump has put himself squarely in the way of saving this planet from environmental collapse. So it is clear that if we are to save the world from going through a nightmare in real life, we must oppose Donald Trump with all the energy we can muster.

We must take political stands for the sake of our country, the world, and every person living or yet to live. To fail to do so implicates us in the failings of the present and future as intentionally passive by-standers.

I call on CleanTechnica to become an advocate for the political stands required to save this nation, its people, and all living things on Earth. We must take a less destructive path to the future.

I believe we must act now, for the sake of all humanity, to prevent Donald Trump from getting into office again.

I should give disclosures. I was a Republican until I could see that leaders of that party were denying climate change as a matter of policy; that was in 2003. And I was a life member of the NRA until it endorsed a man for president who I believed was a painfully obvious con artist; that was in 2016. Now, it is clear that the Supreme Court is corruptly trying to enforce specific religious and political views, thereby bringing shame upon itself.

Best wishes,

George Harvey

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George Harvey

A retired computer engineer, George Harvey researches and writes on energy and climate change, maintains a daily blog (geoharvey.com), and has a weekly hour-long TV show, Energy Week with George Harvey and Tom Finnell. In addition to those found at CleanTechnica, many of his articles can be found at greenenergytimes.org.

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