Maddie Goes Electric — Great Series For EV Newbies

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I have followed Robert Llewellyn and his YouTube channel Fully Charged since it launched almost a decade ago, and it has been very educational and so much fun. Robert’s sense of telling the stories about electric vehicles to the not very tech savvy crowd has really paid off. The channel has more than 600,000 subscribers. The pilot show from June 2010 has 106,000 views, and now any new episode on the channel reaches that number in a matter of days.

The show got even more diverse when Jonny Smith joined a few years back, and it has been a real treat because he is such a nerd, in the most comfortable meaning of the word. I mean, his first encounter with Robert was when they took a ride in Jonny’s homebuilt 740 horsepower updated 1974 Enfield 8000 ECC “Flux Capacitor”. Hilarious!

For Robert to get Jonny on the show was a stroke of genius, and the team have since brought more people in who do an excellent job of hosting shows on new tech, reaching from energy generation to electric airplanes. But now they’ve done something new, and again they hit a home run. Meet Maddie Moate. With her at front, they have created a show titled “Maddie goes electric — a beginner’s guide to driving an electric vehicle.”

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So, what’s so great about it? Well, this show is probably not for most of CleanTechnica’s readers, since they are mostly very well informed about what is going on in the EV space, but I am personally extremely happy to see this show appear. Having been through the whole process of getting knowledge about EVs — by reading thousands of articles, watching thousands of videos, testing many cars, living thousands of miles with a handful of different models, and finally purchasing the one I needed — I have come to the point that my friends and family see me as the nerd. That’s fine, but it’s also a problem, because they can get intimidated when I can’t hold back on the many technical explanations that I think are necessary in order to make the right choices when considering ditching the old gas-guzzler and going electric.

With the many years of experience of Robert Llewellyn’s Fully Charged show, they have now been able to place the very competent, in a communicative way, Maddie Moate in front of the camera before she knows too much about EVs, giving the viewer a relaxed and genuine experience of the process of getting familiar with the new world of EVs. And combined with the superb editing quality, it works so well that I would refer anyone who is curious about EVs as a newbie to this show.

In episode 1, Maddie starts out from scratch. Admittedly, she has previously tried a BMW i3, but other than that she knows nothing up front. Her authentic reactions to the information she is presented and the test drives is refreshing. Anyone who drives an EV remembers that first time you pressed the accelerator and the silent thrust in response to it. You just can’t un-know that feeling. There is a lot of that in here. Watch it, and make sure you tell someone who knows nothing about EVs.

If you choose to buy a Tesla, feel free to use my referral link to get lots of free miles:

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Jesper Berggreen

Jesper had his perspective on the world expanded vastly after having attended primary school in rural Africa in the early 1980s. And while educated a computer programmer and laboratory technician, working with computers and lab-robots at the institute of forensic medicine in Aarhus, Denmark, he never forgets what life is like having nothing. Thus it became obvious for him that technological advancement is necessary for the prosperity of all humankind, sharing this one vessel we call planet earth. However, technology has to be smart, clean, sustainable, widely accessible, and democratic in order to change the world for the better. Writing about clean energy, electric transportation, energy poverty, and related issues, he gets the message through to anyone who wants to know better. Jesper is founder of and a long-term investor in Tesla, Ørsted, and Vestas.

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