John Kerry To Speak At Movin’On World Summit On Sustainable Mobility
John Kerry, 68th United States Secretary of State and founder of World War Zero, will be attending the 4th annual Movin’On Summit in Montreal. He will be speaking at the summit on his experience battling climate change. He will also connect with a community of decision-makers that committed to creating concrete solutions for sustainable mobility.
The summit will take place on June 3–5, 2020, at McGill University in Montreal. John Kerry will discuss spearheading his initiative World War Zero to combat climate change.
“Climate change is an existential threat to humanity. In order to overcome this grave challenge, we will need to join forces. Movin’On recognizes that World War Zero’s fight for the climate and its own important work with sustainable mobility are intricately intertwined and complementary in nature. For that reason, Movin’On has invited John Kerry to join the summit to promote this unprecedented worldwide cooperation, something that is needed now more than ever. Only together — civil society, corporations and political actors working in unity — will we overcome.” —Movin’On Summit
This international summit is on sustainable mobility and it has the aim of moving us from ambition to action. Startups interested in combating global warming and air pollution, preserving resources, improving multimodal mobility, ensuring safe and accessible mobility, and designing new global transport efficiency will take part in a startup challenge.