The Proposal for LEGO Cybertruck
The idea was proposed by BrickinNick, who writes that many different elements and functions of the Tesla Cybertruck could create a really unique LEGO build. The proposal says that opening the passenger doors, a fold or slide-out ramp, opening charging ports, steering, suspension, a full interior, the Tesla ATV, and other aspects of the Cybertruck could be integrated into the LEGO Cybertruck and could be possible future project updates that would help create the brick version of an all-electric vehicle. The dimensions are 35.6 cm long, 15.2 cm wide, and 12.7 cm high (14 inches long, six inches wide, and five inches high.)
I was supporter 1,266. To support this project is really easy. You don’t need a credit card and don’t need to pay anything. Just simply click here and support it. You do need a LEGO account. We have 604 days left as of this writing to get this supported. I may not want to step on a LEGO Cybertruck myself, but for those of you with kids, this would be a cool building experience for them.
Cybertruck Snapchat Filter
Did you know there is a Cybertruck Snapchat filter? I haven’t really been into the Snapchat scene and only downloaded it to check out this filter, which I used to “drive” on Elon Musk’s Twitter page. The Snapchat filter isn’t easily accessible through the Snapchat app, but you can unlock it by going here in your mobile browser.
Cyber Sporks
“Model 3 Experience” on Twitter posted jokingly that Tesla is now taking preorders for its new flatware set, available in 2025. To be honest, I think Tesla should actually do this, but make them available for 2020 since it’s next month. I think the more interesting piece is the spork.