Autonomous Tractors, Mining Equipment, & Construction Vehicles — Oh, My!
Farmers stretch as the sun rises, ready for another day of work. Unlike their peers around the world, however, these farmers aren’t heading out immediately to their barns or fields. Instead, they pick up their tablets. They click through a few icons. A couple of taps and swipes later, they’ve accessed the robotic technology they need for autonomous control of their large scale field equipment. They examine data and adjust their farm’s 24-hour, round-the-clock operations while their autonomous tractors move methodically, out of sight of the homestead.
Autonomous tractors are part of new technologies that can increase productivity and efficiencies, bringing higher yields. A1-powered agricultural intelligence platforms can draw upon sophisticated computer vision, data science, and deep learning algorithms to enable farmers to make informed decisions.
Autonomy in agriculture through AI can lead to detecting early symptoms of uneven emergence, weeds, nutrient deficiencies, disease or insect infestations, water damage, or equipment issues.
Sam Bradford, a farm manager at Arcturus Downs in Australia’s Queensland state, toldBloomberg how he switched from a 120-foot wide, 16-ton spraying machine that “looks like a massive praying mantis.” Instead of blanketing the field in chemicals, now he uses 4 robots, each about the size of a truck, to kill weeds. They’re more precise, as they’re able to distinguish the dull brown color of the farm’s paddock from green foliage and to target chemicals directly at the weeds. While this saves Bradford up to 80% of his chemical costs, he says there’s another, even more important reason to switch to autonomous machinery.
“The savings on chemicals is huge, but there’s also savings for the environment from using less chemicals, and you’re also getting a better result in the end,” said Bradford. The farm is particularly sensitive over its use of chemicals, as its surrounding rivers run out to the Great Barrier Reef off Australia’s eastern coast.
But it’s not just farming applications where autonomous vehicles are the talk of off-highway conversations.