Space Solar Really, Really Is Not So Spacey Any More
The space solar race is on, as research teams in the US, the UK and elsewhere around the world take a wacky idea and make it real.
The space solar race is on, as research teams in the US, the UK and elsewhere around the world take a wacky idea and make it real.
I gave a long introduction of my 3-tier system for sharing top cleantech stories in my previous post, so I won’t repeat that here. I’ll just dive right into 10 EV stories that almost got covered on CleanTechnica, but barely missed the cut: 1. Wireless Power Transmission For Transit, Trains, Harbor … [continued]
The great state of Utah can now lay claim to the first and only wirelessly charged electric bus designed and developed exclusively by a North American research organization, namely Utah State University. Under the somewhat pedestrian monicker Aggie Bus (we prefer Shazam!, but whatevs), the new vehicle is also the first … [continued]
E-Moss is testing an electric bus that was equipped with a wireless charger, It is usually electric cars that are equipped with these, but buses could also benefit too. The type of charger the bus is equipped with is an induction charger. Induction chargers operate by using inductors to … [continued]
Tesla planned wireless energy transfer. Now researchers are working to develop a system of wireless energy transfer that uses tires as a receiver.
New technical specifications for Formula 1 racing require vehicles in the pit to operate in electric only mode. Drayson Racing Technologies and HaloIPT are working together to offer completely electric vehicles through electrified racetrack roadways.