wind turbine technicians

Renewable Energy Has More Economic Benefits Than You Know

Renewable energy is already cheaper than other energy options in most of the world, but it comes with other economic and societal benefits as well. Because of the number of countries investing in renewable energy, the complexity of their national economies and their energy infrastructure details, it isn’t possible to cover everything in one online article. The subject would be better addressed in a book. So, this article is intended only to be a snapshot of some key high-level points.

New French President Invites Cleantech & Climate Leaders From USA To Ditch Donald Trump, USA…

We’ve written a few times about how China has the opportunity (and seems to be taking it) to increase its global influence and power thanks to the Trump presidency. There are various avenues for achieving that, but the largest of them seems to be Trump’s science denial and absurd ideas regarding global warming and sensible climate action.
Now, another global superpower is following suit with this opening, but much more directly.

3 Ways Donald Trump’s Climate Approach Is A US Economic Disaster

To be fair, we don’t yet know what Donald Trump’s precise climate approach will be, but it seems all but guaranteed that he will slow and obstruct climate action and will do a great deal to increase pollution and CO2 emissions from out-of-date oil, coal, and gas industries. This is idiotic not just because it puts all of human society at great risk, but also because it’s one of the worst economic moves a politician can make.

Fastest-Growing Job In US Is Wind Turbine Technician, + Fort McMurray Fire & Climate Change…

Editor’s Note: In episode #27 of Cleantech Talk, Matthew and I enjoyed highlighting that the fastest growing job in the USA is now a cleantech job — wind turbine technician. We probably didn’t have quite as much fun talking about global warming–induced or global warming–exacerbated forest fires, drought, and pine-beetle infestation, and the ways in … [continued]

Wind Jobs Are For Winners

Out of an obsession for alliteration, I almost made the title of this article: “Wind willy woks fo’ winners.” But I was afraid the Elmer Fudd impersonation wouldn’t come across right, or that it was simply too cartoonish of an idea. Anyhow, the point is the same: wind jobs are bloody … [continued]