Coal State Killing Coal With Solar Power, One Megawatt At A Time
West Virginia is still a solar power wallflower, but signs of change have been blowing in the wind as new businesses demand clean energy.
West Virginia is still a solar power wallflower, but signs of change have been blowing in the wind as new businesses demand clean energy.
Golden eagles, like many raptors, know how to take the path of least resistance. When they spread their wings and take to the skies, they typically look for updrafts (upward pushes of air) to assist their flight, letting them soar to greater altitudes without expending much energy. However, those updrafts … [continued]
After hanging around on the renewable energy sidelines all these years, West Virginia readies itself to leap into the US geothermal energy revolution.
Natural gas stakeholders will have to fight for an ever-shrinking piece of the hydrogen pie as the Biden administration ramps up its green hydrogen commitment.
If all goes according to plan, the iconic coal state of West Virginia could lead the eastern US into the sparkling green geothermal energy future.
Originally published on 1Sun4All. The Solar Decathlon 2015 team, West Virginia University and University of Roma Tor Vergata, has designed a house that merges Italian and Appalachian design concepts with innovative energy techniques. STILE is a simple and compact house covered by an elegant, classically inspired arch that runs north to south … [continued]
The students from West Virginia University designed and built PEAK, a very cool net-zero energy log cabin for the Solar Decathlon 2013, you may remember my story: Have You Ever Wanted To Live In A Net-Zero Log Cabin? (VIDEO). While visiting their competition home, I noticed that the team members were … [continued]
Clean coal not so much: a new study from West Virginia University links dust from mountaintop removal coal mining to lung cancer in nearby communities.
Originally published on 1Sun4All. Upgrading our lighting is one of the most practical and easy ways to increase our home’s energy efficiency and save money on our utility bills. You will find many helpful articles and videos about lighting because it’s a place we can all start to make a positive difference. The following is from the Solar Decathlon … [continued]
Originally published on 1Sun4All. Visiting the Solar Decathlon is a thrilling adventure that I highly recommend. The teams were introduced at the opening ceremony to great enthusiasm from the audience, and the houses are shining examples of each team’s creativity and dedication to sustainable, comfortable living. Each house that I visited had imaginative features … [continued]